Personal Update 1


It's been almost 10 years since I first had this blog. I'm updating to inform that my life has been going well.

Right after graduating, I've got a job, as a manufacturing technician at a certain vision system factory. It's a well-paid job and I've had most of my'wants' achieved, like new bikes, overseas trip (I've been to Japan on March, Thailand on April and might be going to Japan again on July, that's too much and I'm grateful!), and toys that I haven't had back then.

Speaking of toys, I sort of been active in the toys community such as Malaysia Digimon community and other childhood toys community (specifically Beyblades and Crush Gear). We've had lots of tournaments and exhibition. I'm glad I could relive the childhood I didn't have.

I may not be contacting much with most of my friends from high school and college, but they're still nice to me and knowing it is assuring.

Currently I'm waiting for my application for degree to be approved, it's sad to leave the current job, it's so comfortable and the people are nice, but I plan to return back there as an engineer one day.

I think that's most of it.

I plan to update this blog to be more useful for others so I'll be sharing facts, infos and stuffs about all my passions and interests. So, I'll be updating it often I guess, stay tuned!
